The Diagrams Below Show how Houses Can Be Protected in Areas

The Diagrams Below Show how Houses Can Be Protected in Areas Which Are Prone to Flooding.  Summarize the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features, and Make Comparisons Where Relevant.

The diagrams below show how houses can be protected in areas which are prone to floodingSample Answer: The Diagrams Below Show how Houses Can Be Protected in Areas Which Are Prone to Flooding

The illustrations that follow demonstrate how to safeguard homes in flood-prone locations.

Overall, it can be seen that there are two methods to prevent flooding in heavy rain areas, such as creating stopbanks and raising the building from the ground.

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According to the first diagram, one stopbank is built near the river (drain), freeboard is built on top of the stopbank, and the 100-year flood level is set on the upper side of the river, while the building is located far away from water.

At the bottom of the stopbank, one floodgate and a berm are created so that whenever internal rain occurs near the building area, the water will automatically go into the river via the floodgate.

In the second diagram, there is no stopbank for maintaining flood water. However, the building is raised to ground level to face the 100-year flood level. Moreover, on the building’s floor, they use freeboard.

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