The Diagrams Below Show the Changes that Have Taken Place at West Park Secondary School: Academic Writing Test 1

The diagrams below show the changes that have taken place at west park Secondary school since its construction in 1950. SUmmarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant,

The diagrams below show the changes that have taken place at west park Secondary school since its construction in 1950

The given figures illustrate the transformation of west park Secondary school from 1950 to 1980 and lastly from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, the location of the main road remained the same throughout the modification of the west park Secondary school.

In 1950, there was the construction of houses which was replaced by the construction of a car park and science block in 1980. In addition to this, in 1980 a sports field was constructed in place of the Farmland which was shown on the map in 1950.

Moreover, the area for the playground remained the same between 1950 and 1980. In 2010, the area for the car park increased by cutting off the total area of the sports field. Furthermore, the sports field was accommodated by decreasing some areas of the playground.

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