The only way to Reduce the Amount of Traffic in Cities Today Is by Reducing the Need for People to Travel from Home for Work, Education or Shopping. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?
It is undoubtedly true that traffic is increasing daily. The solution to this problem is that people may go out less for their basic needs. I disagree with this statement because there are some alternative ways to reduce the amount of traffic in cities.
On the one hand, if folks are ready to study and work at home, not only do online shopping. Due to this, the ratio of vehicles declined. For instance, during the covert time, people were restricted from travelling. As a result, people started online shopping and working from home. Hence, this will help to reduce the traffic injection, but it is a temporary solution, not a permanent solution, to decrease the traffic amount in the city. Moreover, the traffic conditions can be improved by online work and desired things straight to the doorstep. It will not only make a difference on roads but also influence the overall lifestyle because people will be able to devote more free time to their personal needs.
On the other side, to reduce traffic in city areas, society should change the infrastructure and roads as well as improve the material for roads which are used on big roads. In addition, the use of public transportation is the best way to improve the efficiency of buses and trains by increasing the service quality. With the help of this way, road conjunction-related issues will be minimised. Furthermore, the government is to lay down guidelines for citizens to use personal cars, particularly in areas where traffic is a significant problem. Using vehicles in inner cities may be banned, and travel could only be done by public transportation.
In conclusion, providing people with convenient ways to use less transportation might be one solution. But this method cannot function alone in the government. Should you take some steps to address this problem, such as improving public transportation and dude, as well as implementing rules on automobile usage?
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