The rate of unemployment in some countries is high. Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level. Write an essay either for or against this position.

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high. Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level. Write an essay either for or against this position.


Many would agree that learning and the pursuit of knowledge should be continued
throughout one’s life. Hence, the idea that education’s only merit is the fact it can
help a person attain employment is considered ludicrous. Thus, it is argued that
education past a primary school level is needed whether unemployment in a person’s
country is high or not. This will be proven by looking at how education for
education’s sake leads to both individual opportunities and discoveries that benefit
humanity as a whole.
To start, people who commit themselves to education regardless of work conditions
in their country catalyze events that can lead them to professional and personal
opportunities down the road. For example, during the Great Depression the United
States experienced extremely high levels of unemployment for several years. Despite
this, people remained committed to the powers of education and thus when the
cycle of unemployment finished they were able to engage in skilled labour. These
opportunities would not have been possible for these people without education. As

this shows, snubbing academia when faced with high unemployment is a faulty
strategy to follow.
In addition to this, the merits of education are not simply tied to a person
professionally, as the pursuit of intellectual development can lead to inventions that
benefit all humanity. For example, Steve Jobs released the iPhone a er he turned 50
and this revolutionary product only came as a result of his lifelong learning. As this
example shows, education can produce much more than basic employment options.
Thus, people should take on the challenge of education regardless of the working
situation in their country.
After looking at this subject, it is obvious that education brings more to people than
simply professional chances and thus should be embraced in all business climates. It
is hoped future generations choose a path of lifelong learning.

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high. Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level. Write an essay either for or against this position.

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high. Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level. Write an essay either for or against this position.

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high. Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level. Write an essay either for or against this position.

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high. Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level. Write an essay either for or against this position.

The rate of unemployment in some countries is high. Because of this, there is no need to complete an education beyond a primary school level. Write an essay either for or against this position.

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