The Table Below Shows Sales Made by A Coffee Shop in An Office

The Table Below Shows Sales Made by A Coffee Shop in An Office Building on A Typical Weekday. Summarise the Information by Selecting and Reporting the Main Features and Making Comparisons Where Relevant.

The Table Below Shows Sales Made by A Coffee Shop in An Office

The given table illustrates the information related to the coffee house and the four different kinds of products( coffee, tea, pastries, and sandwiches) sold by them in the industry on running days.

Overall, the table reveals that office employees prefer coffee at any time of day, and tea is the least favourite of the four.

At first, between 7:30 and 10:30, the highest sales are in coffee and pastries, which are 265 and 275, respectively. These are the highest sales in the daytime, while only 110 teas and 50 sandwiches are sold. After that, in the afternoon, people prefer to eat sandwiches (200) and drink coffee (185), and 50 teas and 95 pastries are sold.

In the evening, around 145 coffees are sold, which is only 5 less than pastries. At the same time, 35 teas and 40 sandwiches are bought by employees. Between 5:30 and 8:30, the last office hours, 200 coffees and 110 sandwiches are sold, while 75 and 80 teas and pastries are sold.

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