The Table Below Shows the Number of Medals Won by The Top Ten Countries in The 2016 Rio Olympic Games

The table below shows the number of medals won by the top ten countries in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The table below shows the number of medals won by the top ten countries in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games

The table provides information on the number of medals taken home by the first ten countries; the United States, Great Britain, China, the Russian Federation, Germany, Japan, France, the Republic of Korea, Italy, and Australia in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Overall, it is apparent that the United States top the list as it received the highest number of medals in total, whereas the Republic of Korea takes the bottom position.

In detail, 46 gold medals were won by the United States, almost twice that of China and Great Britain, thrice the Russian Federation, Germany and Japan and about four times greater than the rest of the countries.

Furthermore, they all won 10 or more silver and bronze except Japan and the Republic of Korea, which bagged 8 and 3 silver, respectively; at the same time, Italy seconded the latter in receiving a bronze medal of less than 10.

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