The Table Data below Shows the Top Ten Internet Users by Country in 2019

The table data below shows the top ten Internet users by country in 2019. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The table data below shows the top ten Internet users by country in 2019

Sample Answer of The Table Data below Shows the Top Ten Internet Users by Country in 2019

The table gave information about the most used internet from ten different countries with population numbers and estimated the percentages in 2019.

Overall, the top 10 countries have many individuals who are utilizing the internet at this time. Especially the UK are highest percentages following with alternative countries. Besides, India is the lowest number of users in all the world.

However, The United Kingdom and Japan are at the pinnacle of 92.6%, and 91.1% join with the United States of about 88.5%. Whereas, India and Mexico had the least in numbers ( 34.8% 45.1% respectively) including Nigeria with 46.1%.

China has a figure of 52.6%.In comparison, Brazil and Russia have approximately 66.1% and 71.3%. The gap between all those countries had further increased by that time.

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