The Table Shows the Income and Expenditure of Brooklyn Hall: AC Writing Test

The table shows the income and expenditure of Brooklyn Hall, the building used to hire in over the period of three years.

The table shows the income and expenditure of Brooklyn Hall, the building used to hire in over the period of three years.

The table compares the money gained and spent on four different departments used for hire by Brooklyn Hall in a three-year interval.

Overall, the highest Income was made in the third year and the lowest made in the first year, while the highest expenditure was made in the first year with the least expenditure in the final year.

To begin with, in the first year, the hiring of rooms took -off from 32000 pounds and increased by 2000 pounds in the second year before falling by a further 1000 pounds in the final year. Also, funding of other bodies saw an additional income of 2000 pounds in the first year compared to the funding of counsel tower, which made 20000 pounds. Interestingly both had a similar financial gain of 20,000 pounds in the second year and another difference of 6000 pounds in their third year of business. Consequently, the total Income made by Brooklyn Hall from the first to third years was 72,000 pounds, 77,000 pounds and 78,000 pounds, respectively.

Furthermore, the expenditure made by the facility in the initial season was 63,000 pounds,. This figure increased significantly to 71,000 pounds in the second year and increased further to 77,000 pounds in the final year. The profit gained from the first year to the final year decreased drastically from 9000 pounds to a minimum of 1000 pounds.

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