The Two Pie Charts Below Show Some Employment Patterns in Great Britain in 1992

The two pie charts below show some employment patterns in Great Britain in 1992. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two pie charts below show some employment patterns in Great Britain in 1992

The Pie charts illustrate the information related to the proportion of males and females in six types of occupation in Great Britain in 1992. The data has been calibrated in percentage.

Overall, the highest number of females had worked in manual occupations and men were highest in non-manual work.

It is Lucid from the pie charts, and a man had worked at the highest in managerial and professional work at more than one third as compared to women who were 29%. Besides this, a similar number of males and females had occupied in another manual at 27 % and 26% respectively. In the general labourers, the amount of both genders was also the same, which was an insignificant minority.

Moving towards remaining data craft for similar occupation had the lowest number of female working at 3%, whereas almost a quarter were men. Apart from this, the female had worked more in clerical or related than men in 1992 and also there was a minor difference in the percentage of men and women who were working in other non-manual work.

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