Today Many Children Spend a Lot of Time Playing Computer Games

Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and less time on sports. Why? is it a positive or negative development?

Today’s children are different from past generations. In this modern era, the vast majority of juvenile plays online games instead of going outside to play games. it leads to many problems. I think that it is a negative development. I will shed some light on this in the upcoming paragraphs

With regards to reasons, there are various causes behind the popularity of online games among children. First of all, due to the hectic schedule of parents as they both are working in different fields, so they do not have time to take their children outside, such as in the playground and in parks. Owing to this, they prefer computer games for their loved ones and avoid going outside. Secondly, the fear of violence parents has afraid in their minds as the violence rate is increased day by day. Like kidnapping and crime, etcetera. Which force parents to keep their children at home

On the other hand, there are numerous negative effects of online watching as the children become habitual of online games which impact on children eyesight moreover it leads to health problems such as obesity and stamina, which can develop only by doing outdoor activities. Moving further, due to online games, children do not spend time with their friends that spoil their bonding. For Instance, there was a survey conducted by Cambridge University in London which found that 90% of children used goggles due to weak eyesight by long online watching.

To conclude, parents should give time to their children and take them outside also. Moreover, authorities should control violence with the help of police so that parents can send their children outside.

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Also read: Today Many Children Spend a Lot of Time Playing Computer Games

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