Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However, certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the damaging effects of tourism?ielts result

Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However,
certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the
damaging effects of tourism?ielts result

(Band 7)
It is well known that tourism industry brings tremendous benefits to a country’s
development. In fact, for many citizens of some exotic realms it may be one of the
major sources of income. Unfortunately, despite of the obvious positive aspects,
there some drawbacks present as well. It is agreed that growing tourism sector poses
a threat to a region’s natural and cultural resources, as well as begets increased
crime rates. To tackle these issues, the positive solutions of government issuing
severe fines for littering and introducing more police patrol to the streets will be
analyzed for viability in this essay.
For one, to address the problem of travelers damaging the flora and fauna of the
county they visit, it’s administration could have imposed strict penalties for polluting
resources such water supply, beaches, coral reefs, heritage sites and others. The
effect of this can be seen in Stockholm, for example, where acknowledgment that
city can fire you $1500 for throwing a garbage have impounded people with
penchant for littering significantly. Thus it can be clearly seen from this example that
imposition of such fines may help restrain tourists from tossing their trash wherever
they please.
Further, additional security forces could be brought to popular crowded sights visited
by many vacationers to crack down on criminal activity increase. For instance, during
peak mes of Olympic games in London, 2012, the number of police on duty had
been increased five fold. This, and draconian powers granted to law enforcement,
boosted security in capital and helped to make the Games safe and secure for both
visitors of metropolis and it’s townsmen. As this example shows, the conventional
wisdom concerning the relationship between police numbers and crime has been
proven true. Therefore authority should be encouraged to allocate more police
resources to the places visited by sightseers.

After looking at potential resolutions to the complications associated with growing
tourism industry, it is felt that establishing harsh punishment for damages caused to
the nature and bringing more police to the places of interest can provide plausible
remedies. It is thus hoped that the solutions

Tourism is an excellent tool

Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However,
certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the
damaging effects of tourism?ielts result

Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However,
certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the
damaging effects of tourism?ielts result

Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However,
certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the
damaging effects of tourism?ielts result

Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However,
certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the
damaging effects of tourism?ielts result

2 thoughts on “Tourism is an excellent tool through which a country can develop. However, certain side effects of tourism can be harmful. How can countries curb the damaging effects of tourism?ielts result”

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