More people are traveling today than ever before. Why do you think this is? ielts result

More people are traveling today than ever before. Why do you think this is? ielts result

Today, the number of people engaging in international travel is swelling rapidly. This
is a trend that does not appear to be slowing at all. Although many factors have
contributed to this growth, trade opportunities and tourism are thought to be the
main triggers. Both will be examined in this essay.
On the one hand, the increasing international awareness of growth markets is
spurring development in the travel sector. For example, knowledge of raw resources
available in African countries has piqued the interest of manufacturing and
consuming nations the world over. To capitalize on this interest, many are making
expeditions to establish cross border connections with businesspeople in the African
region. Thus, it is clear that trade is one of the core reasons international travel is
In addition to this, growing affluence the world over has made it possible for
increasing amounts of people to engage in recreational travel. For instance, Chinese
tourist numbers are growing so quickly that major holiday destinations, such as the
Eiffel Tower in Paris, are choosing to display their public signs in French, English and
Mandarin. Thus, the unshrinking need for tourist hotspots to accommodate travelers
from various countries is clear evidence that a true link between tourism numbers
and international travel exists. It can therefore be concluded that growing worldwide
affluence is fueling a surge in international travel numbers.
Following this look, it is clear that global trade opportunities and tourism are altering
humanity’s need for international travel. It is thus expected that rates of travel will
only continue to climb into the foreseeable future.

More people are traveling today

More people are traveling today than ever before. Why do you think this is? ielts result

More people are traveling today than ever before. Why do you think this is? ielts result

More people are traveling today than ever before. Why do you think this is? ielts result

More people are traveling today than ever before. Why do you think this is? ielts result


1 thought on “More people are traveling today than ever before. Why do you think this is? ielts result”

  1. Pingback: Some people say that economic development is necessary to reduce the poverty in Some people say that economic development is necessary to reduce the poverty in the world ielts exam - IELTS FEVER

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