Write a Letter to Your Friend About Missing the Date with Him on A Day

Write a letter to your friend about missing the date with him on a day because you have planned. Tell him how you tried to contact him, but it did not work out either. In your letter, you should tell:

  • What the reason is
  • How do you try to contact him
  • Give an alternative plan to meet him sometime.

Dear Smith,

How are you? I hope this letter you well. I am so sorry that I couldn’t reach the date to meet you as it was decided between us.

Actually, while I was on the way to your city, I saw a serious accident just happen before my eyes between a car and truck. I urgently called the ambulance.

When I came closer to the car, I saw Mr Smith, who is my neighbour, along with two more people. As one of his legs had multiple fractures and he needed an urgent operation, I didn’t want to leave him alone the hour of need. With the god’s glass, all other people got minor injuries. Thus, I dropped my plan and came back to the city.

I tried to contact you many times, but you were out of coverage area, and even I called at your home, but I came to know that you had just left home to meet me.

If you don’t mind, we will meet this coming Friday as it is a national holiday. Do let me know if you think you would be able to meet.

Take care and write back soon.


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Also read: Write a Letter to the Manager of a Cinema (Movie Theatre)

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