You and Your Colleague Want to Use a Company Room

You and Your Colleague Want to Use a Company Room. Write a Letter to Your Manager and Ask for Permission. In your Letter, You Should:

  • Explain Why You Need the Room
  • Describe Which Room You Need and Why
  • Tell Me What Changes You’ll Need in The Room.

Dear Sir

I am Diksha, and I am writing this letter to ask for permission to use the company room with my colleague for two months. Now, as the auditing is in two months and we both handle the accounts department, the financials are very confidential, and we can not discuss this with everyone. So we need a room for the same purpose.

I would prefer to take a room which is located in the corner so that no disturbance can be heard while doing the work. Moreover, we would like to have two double beds in our room along with a table, chair and a good telephone connection, so that we can not face hurdles while making calls to our clients.

I hope that we will get a room soon so that we can resume our work.

Thank You

Yours sincerely

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