You Are Going to Throw a Party for a Special Occasion and Planning to Cook a Meal for the Same

You are going to throw a party for a special occasion and planning to cook a meal for the same. Get a recipe from your friend which is special in his/her country?

Explain why you are throwing a party
Ask about the recipe
Invite your friend to the party.

Dear Guri,

Great to write to you after such a long time. You’ll be enthralled to read that I’m planning to throw a party before migrating overseas. To make it memorable, a delicious meal followed by a welcome drink is going to be planned.

To be honest, it’s been a long time since we met. You’re my childhood friend, and to strengthen it, there is a need to celebrate any occasion. As you know, I’ve applied for a visa to move overseas. Recently, I got my visa, so I’m planning to move to a foreign land. Therefore, I want to celebrate a day with you to collect memories.

Will you do a favour for me to give me a recipe for the desert as well as what should I make in food? You know that I lack culinary skills so it will be a great idea if we cook both. I’m going to organise it for the following weekend. So, what ingredients are needed, make a list and send it to me. I’ll purchase all the things to avoid the last-minute rush.

It’d be great if you could come two days before the party. We’ll decorate the room, and if you want, we can make any changes before that party.

I am hoping to see you soon!

Yours Loving,
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