You Are Organising a Trip to Tenby, United Kingdom

You are organising a trip to Tenby, United Kingdom, for a group of students from Brighton, United Kingdom. Write to the Tour Manager, Mr Abraham, of an organisation that organises trips to Tenby.
In your letter, explain:

  • When do you want to visit, and how long will you stay?
  • How many students are in your group?
  • And what accommodation will you require?

Dear Mr Abraham,

I request assistance arranging a trip to Tenby, UK, from Brighton for a group of pupils.

Let me inform you that I want to bring my school students on 15th September. Students have one ‘week’s holiday after the exam, so it will last from 15th September to 22nd September. It can be extended for a fortnight if they find it interesting to visit.

Furthermore, I would also like to inform you that the group consist of 10 students along with two teachers. If there is a concession on the medium-sized group, I do not hesitate to increase it to 15.

Would you be kind enough to provide suitable accommodation? I prefer a youth hostel instead of a dormitory for my students. It would be better if there were private showers and a kitchenette. Besides, ideal locations always allow people to enjoy their leisure time blissfully, particularly if the places have lush green forests. Would you supply me with the total expenditure of the trip with some discount? How much money is needed to deposit as a booking? I have been waiting for your reply.

Yours Sincerely,

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