You Recently Had Your Computer Fixed at A Local Computer Store

You recently had your computer fixed at a local computer store, however, you are not pleased with the service you received. Write a letter to the store manager. In the letter:

  • describe the situation
  • explain why you are dissatisfied
  • say what you want the manager to do

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have recently taken your computer repairing service and was charged $80 for my system’s fixation. But I am sorry to say, the service I received and paid for was not as per your excellence. I hope you will take satisfactory action to rectify this incident.

My computer had some problems with the screen startup, and I showed it to Aman, one of your staff members. When I expressed concern about my data, he assured me that no data would be affected, and it would only take two days to get the issue fixed. After waiting for three days, I had to call Aman to check whether the system was repaired, but he told me to wait for two more days.

However, when I brought my system home, the screen startup issue was fixed, but I had lost some of my important data. Given what I was told previously, I was extremely disappointed and upset. I demand that you give me a proper explanation as to how this incident occurred. You must recover my lost data and files.

Yours faithfully,

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