Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you agree or disagree?ielts result

Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an
individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it
is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?ielts result


During much of the twentieth century, little action was taken to encourage lifestyle
changes that are environmentally sound. However, over the last twenty years,
significant efforts have been made to educate humanity about the threats modern
lifestyles pose to the environment. It is agreed that environmental protection efforts
need to be brought to the fore of global priorities and taken to a more advanced
level of activity. Manners in which this can be done will be analyzed, namely through
the global employment of renewable energy and through global educational efforts

Firstly, renewable energy needs to be developed further to really make a difference
in mankind’s fight against global pollution. Take solar power, for example. At the
moment, solar power is still notably more expensive than petrol, although the gap is
closing quickly. With a little extra push, solar power could become a cheaper energy
source, thus inciting pollution-causing petroleum industries to shift their focus to the
renewable energy sector. It is for this reason that environmental protection should
be taken to a higher level.

Secondly, a big part of the fight against pollution is educating people about the
measures they can take to help. For instance, advertising on highly frequented
websites like Facebook could do a lot to raise awareness of the lifestyle people need
to employ to best help the environment. Because online efforts to promote
environmental awareness are low at the moment, it is felt increasing them could
encourage people to be receptive to new lifestyle changes. It is for this reason that
the idea of beefing up the world’s environmental protection efforts is supported.

After analyzing how growth in renewable energy and awareness can help the current
global environmental crisis, it is felt the argument for environmental policy
improvements has been proven. It is recommended these policies be put into action
the world over.

Environmental pollution is a serious issue

Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an
individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it
is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?ielts result

Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an
individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it
is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?ielts result

Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an
individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it
is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?ielts result

Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an
individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it
is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?ielts result

4 thoughts on “Environmental pollution is a serious issue and it is important to take steps on an individual level to reduce it. But now, since it is becoming an international issue, it is time to take environmental protection to a higher level. To what extent do you agree or disagree?ielts result”

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