Your Colleague Is Flying to the Meeting by Plane from Another Country

Your colleague is flying to the meeting by plane from another country. You have arranged an airport pick-up, hotel accommodation and planned their meeting. Write a letter to your colleague. In your letter

Tell me when and where you will meet them
Explain where they will stop
Tell them about other arrangements you have made.

Dear Mr David,

I am delighted to know that you will land in London the next Monday to meet a promising prospect and you would be glad to hear that I have arranged a taxi from the airport to take you to the booked hotel. Besides this, the meeting with the clients is also set for the next day at 10 in the same hotel as it has a conference room. I am writing this letter to brief you about the itinerary and other arrangements made about your visit.

Firstly, the flight will arrive at terminal 2, and I would meet you just outside gate 5. I will indeed have your nameplate in my hands so that it would be easy for you to recognize me. After that, we have to directly go to the Crown Plaza, our local office here in London, to issue a configured laptop.

The meeting might end by 5 PM, and I have organized a social event with a few colleagues in a nearby club where you would be able to spend some leisure time and rejuvenate yourself. Please let me know if you have any concerns.

I hope you have a great as well as fruitful meeting.

Yours sincerely,

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