A visit you made using public transport.

A visit you made using public transport.

When and where you went?

What kind of transport did you use?

How was your trip?

I love to visit different kinds of places in India whether they are historical, religious, geographic.i have visited many places during my study time. sometimes through my own vehicle with family, or with friends and sometimes through buses hired by school or college. but today I would like to talk about a visit which I made with my friends through public transport.it was the time when I was doing my graduation.

actually, a camp was organized by Guru Gobind Singh study circle in Dehradun.it was sponsored by UNESCO to give the message of peace and the brotherhood. that camp was organized for 7 days in an educational academy. our college informed us about this camp a  week before the departure.me and my 12 friends getting ready to go attend the camp.on the ay of the departure, we all getting together at the Moga railway station. from there we started our journey. we reached the Ludhiana railway station. we board a passenger train.

there was a lot of rush at the railway station. finally, we board the train at 8 o’clock.it was really a wonderful trip, all friends were very excited. we saw the natural scenery in the place through windows because Dehradun is situated near to Mansoori.it it was really an awesome experience.I can never forget that.


Gagandeep Singh Kahlon


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A visit you made using public transport.

A visit you made using public transport. A visit you made using public transport. A visit you made using public transport. A visit you made using public transport. A visit you made using public transport.



7 thoughts on “A visit you made using public transport.”

  1. yes sure it is a essential part of this good job mam before 1 year ago i was weak in a english specially quecard part then i had learned on the internet after i it improved time to time i felt cheerful

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