Animals Are in Danger of Extinction

Animals are in danger of extinction. Some people say that we should protect only those animals, which are useful to humans. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer of Animals Are in Danger of Extinction


Animal extinction has become a matter of great concern. I disagree with the given statement that we Animal extinction has become a matter of great concern. I disagree with the given statement that we should conserve only those animals, which are beneficial to humans. I believe that all animals have direct or indirect effect on mankind. It has been rightly said that plans to protect wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.

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The most important reason for saving all animals is that they are part of our ecosystem. Every species of wildlife plays a role to maintain the balance of life on Earth. Thus, the loss of any species can affect us directly or indirectly. For example, there are many bat species that are becoming extinct. Such bats help keep the insect population in control. If these bats die then the insects will increase a lot and destroy our crops. So, we will have nothing to eat. In addition, many animals, like rodents, help in the dispersal of plant seeds and in the pollination of plants. By protecting endangered animals we ensure not only their survival but also the biodiversity that is necessary for the ecological health of the planet.

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Secondly, wild animals provide many valuable substances such as medicine and fur. The horn of the rhinoceros has medicinal value and the fur of the mink is very valuable. The recreational viewing of animals at zoos is also a source of revenue. Thus, the financial value of wild species is important to the economies of many nations.

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Furthermore, wild animals have aesthetic appeal. They are beautiful creatures of nature and are a part of our bio-diversity. Their beautiful and mysterious life has enchanted mankind since the dawn of evolution. Scientists have been awed, by observing their behaviour. Such study has helped scientists understand how the human body functions and why people behave as they do. Scientists have also gained medical knowledge by studying the effect of many drugs on these animals.

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Finally, it is undeniable that animal species have been vanishing at a much faster rate for about a century now due to human factors such as pollution, commercial over exploitation, poaching and deforestation. Knowingly or unknowingly, we humans are doing so much damage to plants and animals that working for their conservation has become a necessity.


To sum up, it can be reiterated that saving all the animal species on the verge of extinction is well justified. All animals have direct or indirect relation to humans. So we should not work to save only those few species, which have a visible effect on humans.

3 thoughts on “Animals Are in Danger of Extinction”

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