IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 87-Is Technology Harming our Children’s Health?

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 87-Is Technology Harming our Children's Health?

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 87-Is Technology Harming our Children’s Health? Technology is moving at such a breakneck speed that it is enough to make your head spin. It can be difficult to keep up. However, with each new technological marvel come consequences. Much of the research conducted has shown the extent of the damage being done … Read more

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 124-Stars without the stripes.

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 124-Stars without the stripes. Stars without the stripes. Managing cultural diversity is a core component of most masters programs these days. The growth of Japanese corporations in the sixties and seventies reminded us that there were other models of business than those taught by Harvard professors and US-based management consultants. And the … Read more