describe a character or personality of yours.

describe a character or personality of yours.

who is the person?
why you influenced him?
what are his achievements?

there is a number of persons in my life who have their own importance in their own way.but today I am going to talk about a person who has great importance in my life and always become a role model for me in my life.whether I love my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather and my uncle but among them, the person who has influenced me to great extent is my father.

he is a great personality.he is a very honest, hardworking, loyal to others and mannered person.he is always ready to help others.i can never forget how he helped my uncle in his studies when my grandfather was unable to afford the expenditure of his father started working at the age of just 16 for the sake of his family.he joined the police uncle wanted to continue their study but my grandfather refused his that time my father stands with him shoulder to shoulder and afford the expenditure of his father also took the responsibility of the marriage of my uncle also.moreover, he also helped his sister on the marriages of their two daughters.the financial condition of my father’s sister was not too good at that time and my father made all the arrangements on the marriages with his money.he is a very honest and hardworking person.

my father appointed as a constable when he joined the police force.but his honesty hard work and dedication toward his profession, he reached great heights and he retired as a sub-inspector from the police force.I remembered when his name was recommended for the president medal for his services by the then ssp of his district.when my father went for the
upper year course of sub-inspector to the police academy filore,he declared all round first in the final result and got an appreciation letter and a beautiful trophy for is because of the honesty of my father that every senior officer in his department wanted him to work with father is an inspiration for me and will become for my whole life.


Q-1: what do you mean by personality?

Ans: personality is not just the outward appearance of a person.personality means the all-round personality of a person which includes honesty, hard work, humility, courage, tolerance power, sympathy and many other things.appearence is only one trait of personality.

Q-2: what are the benefits of a good character or personality?

Ans: personality means the all round development of personality of a person.a person with good character or personality not only gain name and fame in his life but also praised by everyone for his good behaviour and attitude toward also helps him to gain success in every field of society.

Q-3: how a person treated in society with bad character or personality?

Ans: it is obvious that a person with bad character is not respected by anyone in society.he loses his respect not among his colleagues but his family members one wants to have his company and he is avoided in society by everyone.


Gagandeep Singh Kahlon


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describe a character or personality of yours.

describe a character or personality of yours.

describe a character or personality of yours.

describe a character or personality of yours.

describe a character or personality of yours.

describe a character or personality of yours.

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