Describe a family member who made you proud

Describe a family member who made you proud You should say:

  • – Who this person is
  • – When this happened
  • – What this person did

A family gives us a feeling of belonging. All my family members are very loving and caring, and I’m proud of all of them. But here I would like to talk about a member who made me very proud. He is none other than my father. His name is Satinder Singh, and he’s in his mid-50s. He is tall and handsome and looks much younger than his age.

He is my role model, and I admire him for many reasons, but here I would like to mention an incident when he specially made me very proud. It so happened, that about six months ago, our neighbour Mr Raju Singh met with an accident and was hospitalized. We went to the hospital, and we saw there were many of his near and distant relatives over there.

The doctor came out after examining him and asked the relatives for blood. On hearing that, all the relatives seemed to vanish into thin air. My father went to the blood bank and donated blood. In exchange, we got a unit of blood for Mr Ram Singh. I felt so proud of my father that he had selflessly stepped forward to help a needy neighbour. He did not think twice before donating blood. I wonder why many people are afraid of donating blood. It can save lives. Why do people forget that if today they will help others, they will get help when they will need it.

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