Describe a Friend from Your Childhood

Describe a Friend from Your Childhood

  • Who This Person Is?
  • How You Became Friends with This Person?
  • What Kinds of Things Do You Like to Do with This Person?
  • Explain Why You Like Him/her.

I have a friend from my childhood, named Rahul. He is very smart and clever, and we are best friends 🀝. I also have one of my closest friends, named Prince.

We usually go to the market to eat something healthy πŸ₯— or sometimes indulge in cheat meals πŸ”, as the role of my town is very famous in my city.

We became friends when we were in school. He is also my neighbour, which is why we have been best friends since childhood, and still are.

That’s why I always go with him; he understands my feelings, and whenever I need financial help, he is always a pillar for me πŸ’Έ.

Part 3 Questions: Describe a Friend from Your Childhood

Question 1: How Do People Make New Friends?

Nowadays, people make new friends from the comfort of their technology, like using Facebook, Tinder, Omegle, Instagram, and WhatsApp πŸ“±. WhatsApp is very popular, allowing you to easily send images of what you’re doing throughout the day. This is how people nowadays usually make new friends.

Question 2: What Do You Think Makes People Have a Long Friendship?

I think the key is having similar vibes and interests. Whenever I find someone with whom I share a lot in common, we usually spend time together, like going to movies πŸŽ₯ or hitting the gym πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ. Sharing these activities helps us to bond and maintain a long friendship.

Question 3: Does Having Similar Interests Make Friendship Easier?

Yes, having similar interests can make friendships easier. However, it seems the young generation now values superficial things like having more followers on social media or owning luxury items πŸ“ΈπŸš—. I believe in valuing my own company and happiness with what I have, rather than chasing materialistic goals.

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Question 4: Do You Think We Meet New People Differently Now Than in the Past?

Definitely. Meeting new people today is different from the past, with platforms like Instagram and Snapchat changing the way we connect 🌐. You can find lots of people to talk to, video call, or chat with, which was not as accessible in the past. The method of meeting new people and making friends is evolving.

Question 5: Why Is Friendship Nowadays So Volatile?

Friendships nowadays are volatile because of jealousy and the desire to disrupt others’ relationships πŸŒͺ️. In college, I observed people trying to break up friendships between two good friends. This behavior, driven by envy or the lack of good friends themselves, creates unnecessary tension and is a major reason why friendships can be unstable today.

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