Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time.

Describe a person who helps others in his or her spare time.

You should say :

  • Who is this person?
  • How often this person helps others?
  • How this person helps others?
  • Why this person helps others?
  • How do you feel about this person?

Sample Answer of Describe a Person Who Helps Others in His or Her Spare Time.

This person is my friend Ram, he was my classmate in college. He lives in Chandigarh. This guy helps people or students on his off days like once a week.
Actually, we both were working in the same hotel for almost 3 years. He is brilliant in communication and cooking. So while working there he realized that apart from his daily work schedule, he needed to invest his time to help other people or students who have an interest in cooking, and later he started taking free cookery classes for students who want to enhance their cookery skills.
He printed the pamphlets and distributed them in a nearby college. After a week or two, he starts getting calls from students who want to learn cooking and asks them to come to his apartment for practice. But later when the number of students increased, he starts taking online cooking classes for them. He loves to help others because of his interest in cooking. He sometimes cooks the food at home and distributes it to needy people. I always felt proud of him, as I always admire him and he never fails to motivate me in achieving goals.
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