Describe a Person You Know Who Is from A Different Culture: Recent Speaking Test

Describe a Person You Know Who Is from A Different Culture

  • Who are they?
  • Where are they from?
  • How did you know them?
  • And explain how you feel about them.

Sample 1 Describe a Person You Know Who Is from A Different Culture

Well, being a social butterfly, I like to meet new people, and also I want to make friends who are from different cultures and different places. Here I would like to talk about one person from an alien civilisation whose name is sure and who is living in England. Around two years ago, when I had my summer vacation, I decided to go to Mahatma lake. Mahatma lake is one of the most popular lakes in my town. So I went there and sat under trees and enjoyed the beauty of nature. And suddenly I watched one child crying because she was lost there so I went to nigh her and wiped their tears and I found her parents, and after meeting her parents we became friends he gave me his phone number. And till then, we have become good friends. He is from England, so his and my cultures have vast differences. He told me that they believe in enjoying life rather than pursuing better jobs earning and saving money. Also, he sent chocolates and cookies every month to me. I feel very fortunate that I have a friend like him. He is one person from a different culture I have met.

Sample 2 Describe a Person You Know Who Is from A Different Culture

There used to be a friend of mine named Zim, who was from Nepal. I met him in the third semester of my bachelor’s. Eventually, we both became good friends, and we used to share a lot about our native places and cultures. I always felt the curiosity in him to explore people and their cultures. He learnt bits and pieces of Telugu and Hindi from me, and he visited my hometown for a festival to explore the villages and rural environment.

Part 3 Questions Describe a Person You Know Who Is from A Different Culture

Question 1:- Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?

Answer 1:- Schools and Workplaces are the two diverse spots where people from different countries, states and religions mingle as a class in schools and as a team in case of offices. So, we can get to know my culture if we can speak to them.

Answer 2:- We can also meet a person from different cultures everywhere. But at the tourist attraction place where the majority of chances to get to know the person who is from other places. in my hometown, the pandit Amarnath temple is one of the most popular places, so it has always been kept on the wishlist of tourist places.

Question 2:- What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?

Answer 1:- I don’t think there would be many disadvantages because cultural diversity only makes you a better person.

Answer 2:- Well, there are many benefits of diverse cultures. First of all, we can adapt to a new culture by visiting the place. Also, we can get more and more choices and ideas to live life by observing different types of cultures. On the other side, there are some disadvantages of diverse cultures. Firstly it is one of the most famous barriers which create difficulty for people who go to different places for further study or settlement. Another drawback is that variety of cultures split people’s unity.

Question 3:- How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?

Answer 1:- India is an example where traditional Indian and western cultures go hand in hand. I don’t think it’s a big deal.

Answer 2:- This is a unique question that I have never ever thought about it, but there are many ways to coexist with traditional and modern cultures. We can organize events and invites other’ culture people so we can exchange our culture with them.

Question 4:- Which Indian traditions are disappearing?

Answer 1:- As a matter of fact, most Indian traditions are disappearing due to the influence of western culture. I am not against modern culture, but we should not forget our roots.

Answer 2:- Well, nowadays there are many traditions have disappeared. For example, ten years ago, when the Diwali festival came, the people decorated their homes with the day because they believed that by doing this, the lord would be happy and bless them. But today, only a few people do that.

Question 5:- Do you like to make friends with people from other countries?

Answer 1:- A big yes; I love to know people from different origins to learn more about their culture, language and food.

Answer 2:- Yes, I like to make a friend who is from abroad. I have many friends who are living in England, Africa and Canada.

Question 6:- Do you have any international friends?

Answer 1:- As I have already mentioned, Zim is my friend from Nepal.

Answer 2:- Yes, definitely, I already mentioned it. I have a lot of friends who are living in another country.

Question 7:- How do cultural differences hinder the growth of an organization/company?

Answer 1:- Cultural differences will break an organization’s growth if employees or workers express their personal, cultural and political views at the workplace. That is why HRs are imposing policies not to express their personal opinions at workplaces which can affect harmony.

Answer 2:- Well, the diversity in culture creates many difficulties for the company’s growth, for instance, when different cultures come to one area. So there areas people who watch them and try to be like them and adopt those people’s culture. Owing to that, they prevent and convert to modern product use, so those company that provides traditional products face many difficulties.

Question 8:- How do sports help to break the barriers of cultural differences?

Answer 1:- A sports team cannot win a sport without potential players, which makes all the talent come together. They may be from another culture, religion or state that doesn’t matter in sports, which breaks a cultural barrier.

Answer 2:- Well, the camaraderie among players breaks cultural differences and barriers.

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