Describe a Person You Know Who is From a Different Culture

Describe a person you know who is from a different culture
You should say:
  • Who he/she is
  • Where he/she is from
  • How you knew him/her
  • And explain how you feel about him/her

Sample Answer of Describe a Person You Know Who is From a Different Culture

I have a friend named Ahmed who is from Saudi Arabia. We met in college where we were both studying engineering. Ahmed is originally from Jeddah, a coastal city in western Saudi Arabia. He grew up in a Muslim household and his family is of Arab descent. Ahmed is fluent in Arabic and English, and has a strong interest in learning about other cultures and languages.

I got to know Ahmed through a mutual friend in one of our engineering classes. We quickly became good friends and started to hang out together outside of class. Ahmed introduced me to Saudi Arabian culture and traditions, including the food, music, and language. He also shared with me his experiences growing up in Saudi Arabia, and I found it fascinating to learn about the differences and similarities between our cultures.

I appreciate Ahmed’s openness and willingness to share his culture with me. He is a kind and generous person who always puts others first. He has a great sense of humor and a positive attitude, which makes him a pleasure to be around. Our friendship has expanded my worldview and challenged me to think outside of my own cultural experiences.

Overall, I feel fortunate to have a friend like Ahmed who has exposed me to different perspectives and cultures. Our friendship has taught me the importance of embracing diversity and seeking to understand those from different backgrounds.

Sample 2 Describe a Person You Know Who is From a Different Culture
I have a friend named Wei who is originally from China. We met in graduate school while we were both pursuing degrees in computer science.

Wei is from a small city in China called Chengdu, which is known for its spicy cuisine and the famous giant pandas. She came to the United States to pursue her graduate degree and has been living here for several years.

I got to know Wei through a group project we were working on together in one of our computer science courses. We quickly became friends and started hanging out outside of class, exploring the city and trying new foods. Wei introduced me to Chinese culture and traditions, including the Lunar New Year celebrations and the art of Chinese calligraphy.

What I admire most about Wei is her work ethic and determination. She is one of the most hardworking and dedicated individuals I have ever met, and always puts 110% into everything she does. She is also incredibly intelligent and resourceful, and has a unique perspective on problem-solving that has helped me to approach challenges in new ways.

Our friendship has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for Chinese culture and traditions, and has also challenged me to think outside of my own cultural experiences. I feel grateful to have Wei in my life and look forward to continuing to learn from her and grow our friendship.

Follow ups of Describe a Person You Know Who is From a Different Culture

Question 1  Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?

Answer – There are many ways to get to know people of different cultures better. One way is to participate in cultural events and festivals in your local community, where you can experience different foods, music, and traditions. Another way is to join clubs or groups that focus on cultural exchange or language learning. Traveling to other countries is also a great way to immerse yourself in different cultures and gain new perspectives. Additionally, social media and online platforms offer opportunities to connect with people from all over the world and learn about their cultures.
Answer – The advantages of cultural diversity include increased creativity and innovation, as individuals from different cultures bring unique perspectives and approaches to problem-solving. Diversity can also lead to increased tolerance and understanding, as individuals learn about and appreciate different cultures. However, cultural diversity can also lead to misunderstandings and conflicts if individuals are not open to learning and respecting different perspectives. Additionally, cultural diversity can sometimes lead to inequality, as individuals from certain cultures may face discrimination or exclusion in certain situations.

Question 3  How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?

Answer – Traditional culture and other cultures can coexist through mutual respect and understanding. It is important for individuals to acknowledge and appreciate the value of different cultures, while also recognizing the importance of preserving and celebrating their own traditions. Encouraging cultural exchange and dialogue can also help to bridge gaps between different cultures and promote a greater understanding of each other’s perspectives. Finally, policies that promote diversity and inclusivity can help to ensure that individuals from different cultures have equal opportunities and are able to thrive in their communities.

Question 4  Which Indian traditions are disappearing?

Answer – India is a vast and diverse country with a rich cultural heritage, but unfortunately, many of its traditions are disappearing. Some of the traditions that are in danger of disappearing include traditional folk music and dance forms, indigenous crafts and textiles, and unique local cuisines. Additionally, traditional farming practices and agricultural knowledge are also at risk of disappearing as younger generations move away from rural areas and into urban areas. Rapid urbanization and globalization are also contributing to the loss of traditional architecture and cultural practices in many parts of the country.

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