Describe a Time You Made a Decision to Wait for Something

Describe a Time You Made a Decision to Wait for Something

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • What you waited for
  • Why you made the decision
  • And explain how you felt while waiting

Sample 1 Describe a Time You Made a Decision to Wait for Something

I remember a time when I had to make the decision to wait for a job offer. It was about two years ago when I had just graduated from college and was applying for various entry-level jobs in my field.

I had recently interviewed for a position at a company that I was very excited about. The interview had gone well, and I felt confident that I would receive an offer. However, after several days had passed, I had not yet heard back from the company.

I was faced with a decision – should I continue applying for other jobs, or should I wait for this company to make a decision? After some careful consideration, I decided to wait for a few more days before making a decision.

The reason I made this decision was that I really wanted to work for this company. It seemed like a great fit for my skills and interests, and I felt like I would be able to make a meaningful contribution to the team.

While waiting for the job offer, I felt a mixture of anxiety and excitement. I was anxious because I didn’t know if I would get the job, but I was also excited at the possibility of starting my career at such a great company.

Fortunately, after a few more days of waiting, I received a call from the company offering me the job. I was thrilled and relieved, and I accepted the offer right away.

Looking back, I am glad that I made the decision to wait for the job offer instead of immediately accepting another offer or continuing to apply for other jobs. It allowed me to pursue a job that I was really passionate about and set me on a path towards a fulfilling career.

Sample 2 Describe a Time You Made a Decision to Wait for Something

One time I made a decision to wait for something was when I was waiting for the results of a medical test. It was a few years ago when I was experiencing some health issues and my doctor had recommended that I take some tests to determine the root cause.

I remember feeling anxious and worried about the results because I was unsure of what they might reveal. I waited for about a week for the results to come back, and during that time I tried to distract myself by keeping busy with work and other activities.

I made the decision to wait for the results before making any major changes to my lifestyle or treatment plan because I wanted to have a clear understanding of my condition and the best course of action to take. I felt that jumping to conclusions or making assumptions before having all the necessary information could do more harm than good.

While waiting, I felt a mix of emotions – anxiety, uncertainty, and hopefulness. I tried to remain positive and keep my mind occupied with other things, but there were moments when I couldn’t help but worry about what the results might reveal.

When the results finally came in, I was relieved to hear that my condition was manageable with medication and lifestyle changes. Although it was not the best news, I was grateful to have a clear understanding of my health and a plan for moving forward.

Looking back, I realize that the decision to wait was a wise one because it allowed me to make informed decisions about my health without rushing into anything prematurely. Waiting for the results may have been difficult, but it was ultimately the best course of action for me in that situation.

Follow ups of Describe a Time You Made a Decision to Wait for Something

Question 1 What do people in your country often do while waiting?

Answer – In my country, people often engage in various activities while waiting. Some people prefer to use their phones to browse the internet or chat with friends, while others may read a book or listen to music. In public places such as train stations or bus stops, people may strike up conversations with strangers to pass the time. Some may choose to meditate or practice mindfulness to remain calm and centered during long waits. Others may choose to grab a snack or beverage from a nearby store to enjoy while waiting. Overall, people in my country tend to use waiting periods as opportunities to engage in activities that help them relax, stay entertained, or productive.

Question 2 Why do some people like a slow-paced life?

Answer – Some people prefer a slow-paced life because it allows them to appreciate the little things and focus on the present moment. They may feel overwhelmed by a busy lifestyle and value the opportunity to slow down and take things at their own pace. A slower lifestyle can also promote relaxation and reduce stress. Additionally, some people may feel that a slower lifestyle allows them to be more mindful and present in their interactions with others, leading to more meaningful connections and relationships. Ultimately, the reasons for preferring a slower pace of life can vary depending on individual values and preferences.

Question 3 Is being patient good for people? Why?

Answer – Being patient can be very beneficial for people. When we are patient, we are better able to manage stress and anxiety, as we are less likely to feel overwhelmed by difficult situations. Patience also allows us to develop a more positive mindset and to maintain a sense of calm in the face of challenges. Additionally, patience can improve our relationships with others by allowing us to be more understanding, compassionate, and forgiving. By taking the time to listen and understand others, we can build stronger connections and avoid misunderstandings. In general, being patient can help us to live a more fulfilling and enjoyable life by allowing us to appreciate the present moment, focus on what is truly important, and cultivate a greater sense of empathy and kindness towards ourselves and others.

Question 4 Are people less patient now than people in the past? Why?

Answer – It is difficult to say whether people are less patient now than in the past, as patience can be influenced by a variety of factors such as culture, environment, and individual personality. However, the fast-paced nature of modern life and the constant availability of technology and information may contribute to a perceived decrease in patience. Many people are used to getting what they want quickly and easily, which can make waiting or dealing with delays more frustrating. Additionally, the prevalence of instant gratification and the expectation of immediate results can make it more challenging for people to practice patience and delay gratification. However, it is important to note that not everyone may exhibit less patience, and there are still many people who value and prioritize patience in their daily lives.
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