Describe a Time when You Felt Proud of A Family Member

Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member. You should say:-

  • When does it happen?
  • Who is this person?
  • What does the person do?
  • And explain why you felt proud of him/her.

Sample Answer of Describe a Time when You Felt Proud of A Family Member

There have been so many times that we feel proud of a family member. Families have long existed since the dawn of time, and in these present times, families are treated with so much passion.

There happened a time when I was in my final year in the nursing training college, and the examination was Soon approaching. The painful aspect is that in our schools, too, when you owe, you’re not allowed to take part in the school’s exams, so that faithful day.

I was actually sacked for not settling my tuition fee, and I had to go home. I was very frustrated and didn’t know what to do, so I had to contact my elder brother, who is an accountant, and I didn’t even know he knew our school’s accountant long before. So he was actually able to convince the school’s accountant, who finally permitted me to take the exams. In fact, I was so excited that day, and it was a memorable day for me.

Part 3 Questions Describe a Time when You Felt Proud of A Family Member

Question 1:- When would parents feel proud of their children

Answer – There are so many instances during which guardians feel proud of their wards. Firstly, I will say that when children put up good behaviour at home, their parents become delighted about it. Also, when children excel academically, their parents become very much impressed and finally, when children are able to take care of their parents during old age, they become very excited about them.

Question 2:- Should parents reward children? Why and how?

Answer – Yes, of course, I believe parents should motivate their children because when a child does something good and you give him or her motivation, he will have the courage to actually continue that particular behaviour. That is to say that the reward reinforces the child’s behaviour positively, which eventually becomes part and parcel of them.

Question 3:- Is it good to reward children too often? Why?

Answer – I think it is not appropriate to be rewarding children frequently. As the saying goes, “too much of everything is bad”, and when a child is rewarded more often, it can result in some disadvantages. For example, it becomes too boring when you have to applaud the child every time they do something good. Also, in subsequent times when he or she does something, and you don’t applaud them, they or can tend to be angry at their parents.

Question 4:- On what occasions would adults be proud of themselves?

Answer – There are several occasions during which grownups become proud of themselves. First, they start a new family with their partners when they get married. Secondly, when they are able to secure a job that they’ve been searching for quite a long time and finally, when they’re able to achieve if not all, most of their heart desires.

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