Describe a Time when You Were Stuck in A Traffic Jam

Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam. You Should Say:

  • When and where did it happen?
  • How long you were in the traffic jam?
  • What you did do while waiting?
  • And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

Sample Answer of Describe a Time when You Were Stuck in A Traffic Jam

There have been several occasions in which I’ve been stuck in traffic congestion, one particular day I would like to talk about was on the 25th of October 2006 when I was supposed to attend an interview for a multimillion contract, because I live in the city of Lagos, traffic is widespread to experience.

Still, on That day, an accident happened, and a tanker fell across the road, making it difficult for another automobile to manoeuvre its way. It took me 3 hours to cover a distance of 30 minutes on an average day.

The most annoying part of it was that I was driving my private car. Assuming I was on public transport, I would have highlighted and trekked down to the interview centre. But I couldn’t, and it really got me stressed.

While in the traffic, I tried to get in touch with the company’s human resource management, but all effort was proposed abortive. I was worried about losing the contract I’d worked hard to get while inside my car, and in the long run, when I got to the company, I was denied the interview and was told the manager had left the premises. It made my blood boil, and I got really freaked out. That day was not something to write about. It was an unfortunate day of the year.

Part 3 Follow Ups Questions Describe a Time when You Were Stuck in A Traffic Jam

Question 1:- Are traffic jams common in Indian cities?

Answer – Traffic jam is ubiquitous in Nigeria, particularly in urban areas, where the total population of inhabitant is on the high side, and this is because of the limited access to other means of transportation.

Question 2:- Why are cities today facing serious traffic issues?

Answer – There are many reasons why cities are facing traffic problems these days, first of all, the traffic control personnel aren’t enough to regulate the flow of vehicles on the road. Secondly, most people are now owning a car, and the number of private vehicles on the road has increased exponentially. Thirdly, people have abandoned other means of transportation, especially on the part of the government. They no longer fund train stations which is one of the best ways to reduce traffic jams. Another thing to be done is to pass a bill into law ensuring that only one car is won by a household, irrespective of their numbers at home.

Question 3:- What can be done to improve traffic conditions in cities?

Answer – Increasing the price of fuel and reducing the fee to board the public bus is another method to discuss private ownership from driving during peak hours.

Question 4:- Can developing public transport help resolve traffic issues in cities?

Answer – It will definitely will; I’m sure it will drastically minimise the congestion rate on the road, primarily if the double-decker bus is utilised. It will carry a large number of people, and efficiency is ensured.

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