Describe an Incident When You Were Delayed or Late.

Describe an incident when you were delayed or late. Please say

– What was it?
– What did you do?
– How did you get there?

Sample Answer of Describes an Incident When You Were Delayed or Late. 


What was it?

Generally speaking, I am very punctual, and I never get late for anything, either reaching my job or meeting friends. However, now and then, harsh weather really procrastinates, and being lazy for doing the thing also cannot be ignored.

What did you do?

Here, I would like to speak about a time when I got late to meet my friend. It was her wedding day, and I was 2 hours late due to a traffic jam on the road. The weather was not the main reason, but I got lazy. I woke up late and tried to reach on time. Suddenly I remember that I forgot my phone at home; then, immediately I went back home to take my phone.

How did you get there?

Although I could go; but, the address was in the message box. So, I had to go back. It took 2 hours. I drove fast and somehow found the way and reached the exact place after struggling a lot. I apologized to my friend for being late, and she was happy enough owing to my presence. So, that was the time when I got late to attend the marriage of my friend.

THIS IS END OF CUE CARD : Describe an Incident When You Were Delayed or Late.

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