Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned From a Foreign Culture

Describe an interesting thing you have learned from a foreign culture

You should say

  • What it is
  • How you learnt it
  • Why you learnt it
  • And explain how you think it will help others.

Sample 1 Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned From a Foreign Culture

One interesting thing that I learned from a foreign culture is the concept of “hygge,” which is a Danish word that roughly translates to “coziness.” I first learned about “hygge” while studying abroad in Denmark and was fascinated by the way it is woven into the fabric of Danish society.

I learned about “hygge” through my interactions with Danish friends and by observing daily life in Denmark. The Danes value “hygge” and place a great importance on creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in their homes and social gatherings. This often involves lighting candles, enjoying good food and drink, and spending time with friends and family.

I was interested in learning about “hygge” because I was struck by the happiness and contentment that seemed to radiate from the Danish people. I wanted to understand what made them so content and whether there were any lessons that could be applied to my own life.

In my opinion, “hygge” is a valuable concept that can help others to live a more fulfilling life. By focusing on creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere, and by spending quality time with loved ones, people can cultivate a sense of happiness and contentment in their daily lives. Additionally, “hygge” can serve as a reminder to slow down and appreciate the simple pleasures in life, rather than constantly striving for more.

Overall, I believe that “hygge” is a valuable lesson that can be applied to people’s lives, regardless of their culture or background. By embracing “hygge,” people can cultivate a sense of happiness and contentment and lead a more fulfilling life.

Sample 2 Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned From a Foreign Culture

One interesting thing that I learned from a foreign culture is the Japanese practice of “shinrin-yoku,” which translates to “forest bathing.” I first learned about “shinrin-yoku” while studying abroad in Japan and was intrigued by the way it is embraced by Japanese society as a form of therapy and stress relief.

I learned about “shinrin-yoku” through my interactions with Japanese friends and by reading about it in books and articles. The idea behind “shinrin-yoku” is to immerse oneself in nature and to connect with the environment through the senses, such as by taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest. This practice is believed to have numerous health benefits, including reducing stress and boosting the immune system.

I was interested in learning about “shinrin-yoku” because I was searching for ways to reduce stress and improve my overall well-being. I was also drawn to the idea of using nature as a form of therapy and wanted to explore this concept further.

In my opinion, “shinrin-yoku” is a valuable practice that can help others to live a more fulfilling life. By taking time to connect with nature and to engage the senses, people can reduce stress and improve their overall health and well-being. Additionally, “shinrin-yoku” can serve as a reminder to appreciate and connect with the natural world, which can have a positive impact on one’s mental and physical health.

Overall, I believe that “shinrin-yoku” is a valuable lesson that can be applied to people’s lives, regardless of their culture or background. By embracing “shinrin-yoku,” people can reduce stress, improve their health, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Follow ups of Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned From a Foreign Culture

Question 1 How do you learn about celebrations that are related to your culture?

Answer – I learn about celebrations related to my culture through a variety of channels. These include observing traditional celebrations and festivals, participating in cultural events and gatherings, speaking with family and friends, and learning about cultural history and traditions through education and media. Additionally, I may also research and read about my cultural celebrations online or in books to gain a deeper understanding of their significance and history. By engaging in these activities, I am able to gain a deeper appreciation and connection to my cultural heritage.

Question 2 What do you think are common celebrations all over the world?

Answer – There are several celebrations that are common across many cultures and countries worldwide. Some of the most widely recognized include New Year’s Eve, Christmas, Easter, and various religious and cultural holidays. Other common celebrations include birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. These celebrations often involve gathering with friends and family, sharing food and gifts, and participating in cultural or religious rituals and traditions. Regardless of the specific celebration, they provide an opportunity for people to come together, reflect on the past, and look forward to the future.

Question 3 Do you think we should follow our culture and traditions and why?

Answer – I believe that it is important to follow our culture and traditions, as they provide a sense of identity and connection to our heritage. By participating in cultural celebrations and observing traditional customs, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of our cultural heritage and history. Additionally, cultural traditions and celebrations can bring people together and provide a sense of community, which can be especially important for those who have moved away from their home country. Overall, I believe that following our culture and traditions can enrich our lives and help us to feel connected to our heritage and community.

Question 4 How do you react to spending a lot of money on celebrations?

Answer – my reaction to spending a lot of money on celebrations would depend on several factors, such as my financial situation and the importance of the celebration. If I am on a tight budget, I might feel stressed or uncomfortable about spending a lot of money on a celebration, as it could impact my financial stability. On the other hand, if the celebration is an important one, such as a wedding or a milestone birthday, I might feel that the cost is worth it to mark the occasion in a meaningful way. Ultimately, my reaction would be a balance between my financial situation and my personal values and priorities.
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