Describe an Item You Would Buy if You Receive a Large Amount of Money

Describe an item you would buy if you receive a large amount of money. You should say:

  • what you will buy?
  • how much money it would cost you?
  • how you would use it?
  • and explain why you would buy it if you receive a large amount of money?

Sample Answer of Describe an Item You Would Buy if You Receive a Large Amount of Money

Well, I always dreamt of having a large amount of money, so that I can buy all the things to spend a luxurious life in future. But, I am pretty sure that the first thing that I would buy is a car of XUV brand. It would be in black colour, and as per my estimate it will cost near about 20 lakhs, and additional amount will be required to maintain it and if I, further, look for some changes in it that would also cost separately.

I would use it in my regular routine. As, I will use it to visit the places, which I usually travel using public transport. It means that I will have the freedom to move within the time I would be comfortable.

Moreover, I will use it to fulfil my dream of travelling. As, many times, I have discarded the idea to visit far off places just because of not having my own car.

My parents have a family car, but I could not use it for my personal works. That is why I am feeling the necessity of having my own car, and I personally like this brand of car. So, in future, whenever I will get a large amount of money, I will buy a black XUV car.

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