Describe a Bag You Want to Own or Have

Describe a bag you want to own or have (Future)

  • What kind of bag?
  • Where you want to buy it?
  • How much it will cost you
  • Why you want this kind of bag

I am literally fondness for collecting a different distinctive of bags usually like models or wealthy persons are used to wear the appearance of medium size, round in shape with both sides zipper and the brand name with Louis Vuitton whenever I stare that bag always getting my eye-catching with its colour and design on it attracted for me indeed. I am fortunate and manage to purchase that bag means I would probably prefer to buy from the main shop from anyplace. So, I sincerely won’t mind the place as long as I can have that.

I anticipate the price is justified for me, and I seriously can effort that with my monthly income to considering that afraid. I am fond of that bag from when I hang out with my friends to grab some clothes nearby that brand name I just saw it through the mirror those bags they hang up was appealing and tempted me at the same time then I selected that bag for my destiny to get it someday the colour, shape. All are reminded of my favourite idol, and I am seemingly adore that.

PART – 3 FOLLOW UP Describe a Bag You Want to Own or Have

1. Why do you think women like to buy a bag?

Ans: From my point of view I am a fan of the bag. Since I like different qualities of bag that make us stunning and at the same time, it’s appropriate to keep their particular things since girls are having a handful of accessories to keep inside the bag and yeah it’s obviously most females are preferred a huge bag to insert their specific items.

2. Is the bag-pack practical in life?

Ans: I don’t think so why from my experience a friend of mine lost her things from bag-pack it is not safe sometimes when he goes to a hustle railway station or restaurant we constantly carry at our backside as a result of losing it sometimes our precious things. I would say it’s not apparently secure to carry at all times and if it was possible to wear it in front to prevent from falling those materials.

3. Why are some people willing to buy an expensive bag?

Ans: It could be absolute because they have money or graciously required that. Owing to that, they earn plenty of remuneration. In my opinion, the expensive bag, if we purchase that model, will automatically appeal to you from alternative, and yeah, that bag can last for extensive. On top of that, you can be a fashionable person, upgrade your lifestyle and provide you with ecstatic whenever you point back them and share it with your friends and families.

4. In the future, what changes will bags have?

Ans: Am that’s a bit tricky question instantly there is a multitude of bag designed are fill with us, and fashion is growing up like daily and inevitable if it is going to persisting like this in the future will gradually transform how it is going to reform am no clue up with it, but my estimate, it will certainly modify it.

5. Why do children need to carry uniform school bag?

Ans: I would say they must carry on their entire books. It’s convenient to assist them instead of carrying with their hands’ numerous books, and they comfortably enjoy transferring all books inside their bag. That will make them look appropriate and accurate with their uniform, and they can develop a lot of knowledge in a day by taking out all the things they need from their bag.

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