Government Spends Much Money for Education. More Money Should Be Spent on Free-Time

Government spends much money for education. More money should be spent on free-time activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Spending on education is indeed top priority for many governments across the world, and spending on education is indeed top priority for many governments across the world, and in doing so they ignore recreational activities, which are as important. Therefore, I agree that the government should allocate more funds for leisure activities. Several arguments surround my opinion.

Undoubtedly, spending on education is very essential for the progress of any nation. Educated people get higher-paid jobs and add to the economy of the country. To add to it, educated societies are crime-free and peaceful societies. That is why the literacy rate is an important factor in determining the status of any country in the world.

However, spending on free-time activities is equally important. Such activities benefit students academically. They learn character-building lessons that they can apply to their study habits and to their lives. Activities such as athletics, music, theatre, and organizations teach students how to discipline themselves through drills, practices, or rehearsals. In addition, extracurricular activities in the arts teach students analytical skills and creative problem-solving skills since they have to think creatively to perform music successfully, act in a play, or produce a work of art.

Furthermore, life is stressful and free time activities act as stress-busters. They break the monotony of hectic day-to-day life. They also build community spirit among people as during free time people meet each other and socialize. It is the responsibility of the governments to provide stadiums, playgrounds, gyms and community centres where people can do free-time activities.

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To sum up, I would like to reiterate my opinion that apart from education, spending on recreational activities is a must. These activities are as important as education for the overall development of any society.

2 thoughts on “Government Spends Much Money for Education. More Money Should Be Spent on Free-Time”

  1. Rajvijay singh Sisodiya

    It is always a debatable argument that in which sector government should invest money some people prefer to invest in education. However, I disagree with this statement I believe that money should be spent on sports and extracurricular activities also. In upcoming paragraphs I will support my view with some arguments.
    Nowadays sports are crucial parts of students life many government spending money on sports which helps them to represent their country at international competitions. For instance, in many international events like Olympics athletes outperforms and portrays their countries in positive lights. Moreover, doing sports one can keep his/her body healthy by following and getting influenced by sportsperson. Furthermore by investing in sports infrastructure nation can host competitions which will boost country socially as many tourist will arrive to watch the games.
    However, it is equally important to spend on free time activity because it help students academically . Extracurricular activities like art and painting improve their analytical approach and problem solving skills as they have to think use have to think creatively to perform. Moreover, this activities will act as a stress booster for them as they can able to relax their mind and they will able to concentrate better on their studies.
    To conclude, apart from education, sports and other activities are important for overall development of students and children. It become duty of government to pay attention towards other fields also.

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