IELTS Speaking Part 1 ( Home Decoration ) Questions With Answer

IELTS Speaking Part 1 ( Home Decoration ) Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 ( Home Decoration ) Questions With Answer

Question 1:- What kind of decoration do you prefer?

Answer- I like decorations that are simple and nice to my eyes. I prefer decorating using traditional accessories such as hand-painted wall charts.

Question 2:- How is your home decorated?

Answer- As l said earlier about my preferences when it comes to decorations,l have only two big frames that are hung on my lounge walls, and these are pictures of my family that were hand-painted by my uncle, and he gave them to us as a Christmas present.

Question 3:- What is your favourite colour when decorating your home?

Answer- I like the lime green colour a lot; l even use it from my kitchen all the way to my bedroom; I make sure I have a bit of it everywhere in the house. It brightens my house.

Question 4:- What colour would you never use in your home?

Answer- Without a doubt,l would say blue, in fact, and all the blues l don’t like, be it navy, light, terquous or sky. I just don’t favour them all, and you will never see me using any of those to decorate my house.

Question 5:- What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

Answer- Ooh, you just reminded me of the argument l had with my kids about what colour to paint my room .l wanted purple, and they wanted pink, so we ended up reaching an agreement to blend these two colours, and it came out nice, so whenever lm to choose colours l would prefer this mixture although I don’t know what colour it is.

Question 6:- Do people in your country like redecorating their homes?

Answer- In general, I would say yes, because where ever I have been to be, its rural areas, high-density suburbs or low density, I would see different types of decorations that suit the space that they have and also their cultural beliefs.

Question 7:- What is the new decorating trend for this year?

Answer- I would say this year people are into decorating using fresh flowers that are being grown in various of their preferred colours. I have seen this being done both in the countryside and cities.

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