Letter to a Friend Who Worked in Your Previous Company

Letter to a friend who worked in your previous company. You have moved to a new job in a new city.

Describe your city
Describe your job
Description of the arrangement for him to visit you.

Dear Rahul,

How’re you? I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I’m thrilled to inform you that I’ve finally got the job of my dreams which I’ve been looking for for a very long time. What’s more, is that I moved to Mumbai city last month for the same.

I must say the city is more beautiful and enchanting than we heard and watched in the movies or news. I was awestruck to see the city skyline from the 100th floor of the hotel we visited last week.

My office is in the “Andheri” area on the 25th floor of a skyscraper, and the view is spectacular. The manager and peers are warm, helpful, and friendly. The best part about this job is that management doesn’t encourage overtime or late nights to maintain the work-life balance.

You should consider visiting me soon as we can have a great time together. I’ve plans to show you around prominent places like Bandra beach, India Gate, city mall which I’m sure you would enjoy. Let me know if you decide, and I’ll pick you up from the airport.

Hope to see you soon!

Best regards,


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