You Ordered Equipment Online GT Writing

You ordered equipment online. However, when you received it, it was damaged. Send a letter to the manager of the company. In your letter, you should tell:

  • Giving the details about the equipment
  • Explain the damage
  • Suggest what you want the manager to do.

Sample Answer of You Ordered Equipment Online GT Writing

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing you this letter in order to complain about the damage done to one of the pieces of equipment that I ordered from your company last week, the keyboard of the computer to be precise.

The details of my orders comprised a set of a desktop computer, that is, a monitor, Central Processing Unit, a keyboard, a mouse and an Uninterrupted Power Supply. 

However, the affected one out of these is the keyboard. I noticed that two out of the buttons have removed. I noticed this immediately. I removed it from the carton; perhaps this occurred through the courier agent in the process of transporting them or from your organization while packing it. As a matter of fact, I have sent the picture of this damaged apparatus to the company’s customer care WhatsApp line at the moment of seeing it.

In line with the three-month warranty on the items, it would be appreciated if the company can help me replace this damaged keyboard as soon as possible.

I will be looking forward to seeing your quick response and action.

Yours sincerely,

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