Mobile phones & Magazine IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Mobile phones & Magazine IELTS Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Mobile phones & Magazine IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Question 1. How often do you use your mobile phone?

Answer –  I use my mobile everyday for around 3- 4 hours. I mostly use this for calls and also for WhatsApp. Most of the people use it for games but I don’t. I have seen people using mobile phones all day for talking which is strange.

Question 2. Can you describe your mobile phone?

Answer – I hope you are asking about the importance of mobile for me, well, I would like to say my mobile is very important for me. Through this I can get in touch with anyone any time no matter how far they are. I use it for both personal and professional-related work. I feel handicapped when I am without a mobile and all my work gets stucked.

Question 3. What was your first mobile phone?

Answer – My first mobile was a Nokia 1100. I was in college in my first year. It was not a smart mobile. It has buttons instead of the touch screen which most mobile phones have these days. Still, I was so happy when I got my first mobile.

Question 4. Would you buy a new one in the future?

Answer – Of course, in the future I would love to buy a mobile but an advanced/ updated one. I love using Apple mobile, currently I have XS, they have updated versions coming every year but at the same time its little bit expensive making it a little bit hard to change on a yearly basis.

Question 5. How has your mobile phone changed your life?

Answer – It has affected me in a lot of ways like I do not stay with my family but still I am connected with all the time I can call, make video calls any time. I also use it for my office work. But we should not overuse it because it may affect our health.

Question 6. Do you read magazines?

Answer – When I was in college or working in a hotel, I used to read a lot of magazines related to the hospitality industry and food and beverage in order to keep myself up-to-date with everything. But now I am at home so most of the time I am busy with the household work and whenever I get time, I prefer to take rest. These days I am not reading magazines.

Question 7. Who prefers to read magazines – younger or older people?

Answer – I believe age doesn’t affect this, if someone is fond of reading, they will read only their preferences will be different like kids or teenagers would like to read story books, comics, something related to fashion, or study whereas older people would love exploring more serious articles or related to religion or society and politics.

Question 8. Have you ever read online magazines?

Answer – Yes, I have tried many times but I feel more convenient in physical ones compared to online magazines. Because online I always end up clicking on ads related to fashion and instead of reading I start my online shopping.

Question 9. Did you read magazines when you were young?

Answer – When I was young, I used to love reading story books like Champak, Nandan etc. and comics like chacha Chaudhry etc. When I was young there was no internet or mobiles available. So, these books were the only entertainment for kids of my age at that time.

Question 10. What kind of magazines are popular in your country?

Answer – In my country people love reading magazines related to politics, fashion, Bollywood, story books. Again, it depends on age and on readers’ preferences.

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