My Morning Routine Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers

My Morning routine Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

My Morning routine Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers.

Question1. What is your morning routine?

Answer – Well, my morning routine varies according to the weekend and weekdays. On weekends, I wake up at 6 o’clock and then I take a bath and offer prayers to God, prepare food for my and my husband’s office and then get ready for my job. And on weekends, I wake up at 9 after having bed tea, and we take our breakfast around 11.

Question2. Is breakfast important?

Answer – Yes, in my opinion, breakfast is essential for all of us. If you don’t take breakfast, you don’t have the energy to do work for the whole day. Regular breakfast increases our metabolism and helps in reducing weight.

Question3. Do you like reading

Answer – I am not really fond of reading books, but when I got to know some romantic, comic or adventurous book, I didn’t miss my chance to go through it.

Question4. Which book did you read recently?

Answer – Recently, I read one book by author Chetan Bhagat, and it’s from Two States. The love story of two of a couple of two people and they belong to Two States and the issues they face before marrying each other is clearly depicted in this book.

Question5. What did you learn from it I learnt?

Answer – There are so many things that I learnt from this book always respect your parents go with your parent’s advice, they always think of your betterment, and always stand with your partner’s thin and thin.

Question6. Why do parents children read books early stage?

Answer – Reading books is a good habit. Many parents want their children to read books early as they want them to increase their knowledge. To learn from stories And one more important point is it will improve their pronunciation and language.

Question7. Which was your favourite book as a child?

Answer – In my childhood, I read many comic books whenever I got time. It gives me immense happiness when I read any comic book.

Question8. Should reading be a compulsory activity for children at school?

Answer – Yes, it should be compulsory activity at school. By reading, children learn in many ways. It will increase their knowledge; they will increase bonding with class while they group read. They got to know many stories, which make them learn many things. And one more important point is it will improve their pronunciation and language.

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