People in former times used to be more dependent on one another, whereas nowadays they lead a more independent life. Do you agree or disagree? ielts result

People in former times

People in former times used to be more dependent on one another, whereas nowadays they lead a more independent life. Do you agree or disagree? ielts result   As you have heard me say before, I love these ‘do you agree or disagree’ questions. They are so simple and straightforward, your essay will practically write … Read more

Some Animal Species, Such as The Dinosaurs

Some Animal Species, Such as The Dinosaurs

Some animal species, such as the dinosaurs, became extinct as a result of natural causes. Thus, extinction is a normal part the world’s evolution and actions should not be taken to prevent the disappearance of today’s endangered animals. How do you respond to this statement?ielts result There are instances in history where some animal species … Read more