Some People Believe that The Radio Is the Best Way to Get News

Some people believe that the radio is the best way to get news, while others believe that TV is better for this purpose. Discuss both views, and give your opinion.

People receive news from different sources. This essay shall compare two popular media from People receive news from different sources. This essay shall compare two popular media from which people receive news – the radio and the television. I believe that both have their own importance as far as getting news is concerned, but TV certainly has an edge over the radio.

Radio can be accessed in a variety of situations. You need to sit in front of the TV sets to watch it, but in case of radio, you can put it in a pocket and listen to programs of your interest while jogging at a park, driving, commuting to and from work, having meals or even lying on the bed with lights off and resting.

Furthermore, the news script is also different as a radio newsreader has to describe the whole event through words and not to pause long whereas news reading script for TV newsreel is punctuated with long pauses when footage of some event is shown. For example, if a cricket sports match is going on, a radio commentator will have to speak a lot more than what a TV commentator will have to speak. This is very helpful to those people who cannot take a break from work, but still want to know what is going on in their favourite match.

On the other hand, TV seems to overwhelmingly outplaying radio on various counts. Firstly, it combines both sight and sound, which are the two major human senses for communication and is therefore more influential. For instance, if you hear a news item about an accident, you may forget it soon, but if you have seen horrifying images of the same accident on TV news, you may not forget the impact on your mind for a long time to come.

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Secondly, with the advent of the latest technology, the TV has become as portable as the radio. The smartphones of today have apps such as ‘Hotstar’, which enable people to watch news on the go.

To conclude, both these media are not equivalent and interchangeable with each other, as they have unique characteristics. The television, however, has a slight edge over the radio because of its visual impact.

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