In Some Countries the Number of People Using Bikes as Main Transport Mode Is Decreasing, Even Though It Is so Beneficial

In some countries the number of people using bikes as main transport mode is decreasing, even though it is so beneficial. Why is this so? How can people be encouraged to use more bicycles?

It is indubitable that the bicycle is being used less and less as a preferred mode of transport, despite It is indubitable that the bicycle is being used less and less as a preferred mode of transport, despite the fact that it is advantageous. This essay intends to analyze some reasons of this phenomenon and also suggest ways to motivate people to use more bicycles.

There are many reasons for not using the bicycles in today’s world. The first reason why people have There are many reasons for not using bicycles in today’s world. The first reason why people have abandoned bicycles for faster modes like cars and motorbikes is that life has become busy and everyone has so much to do and so little time. Other modes of transport are more time-effective. Secondly, the roads are so full of heavy traffic that bicycles are not safe. If it were safer to ride bicycles, many people would commute short distances on bikes. Another reason for not using the bike is the unfavourable weather. The hot and humid summer months make it impossible for anyone to use the bike. Of course, no one wants to reach the office smelling of sweat. Last but not least, people want to show off their status, and riding a bike does not solve this purpose.

There are many ways to motivate people to use the bike. The onus is on the government to make cycling safer and more inviting. Investment needs to be done in a vast network of cycling paths. For example, in Denmark, there are 19000 km of cycle tracks, as a result of which many people ride bikes. These cycle tracks are clearly marked, have smooth surfaces, separate signs and lights for those on two wheels, and wide enough to allow side-by-side cycling and overtaking. Perhaps, that is why, there are more bicycles than the number of people in Denmark.

Furthermore, people could be made aware of the benefits of cycling. Bicycle is a cheap and green mode of transport. Media, such as the TV, could be used for this purpose. Our celebrities, who act as the role models for many, could be a lot of help. If they start using the bicycle, many youngsters would follow them and do the same. For example, a few months ago, Vidya Balan, India’s famous film star, was seen on TV saying that whenever she has to gift something, she gifts a sapling. Since then, I have started giving a sapling to my friends on their birthdays.

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To sum up, there are many reasons why people do not use the bicycle now, but some effective steps could be taken by the governments to promote the use of bicycles.

3 thoughts on “In Some Countries the Number of People Using Bikes as Main Transport Mode Is Decreasing, Even Though It Is so Beneficial”

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