Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Advertisements & Books

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Advertisements & Books. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Advertisements & Books

Question 1:- Do you like reading books? Why

Answer – yes, I love reading a book because it enhances my knowledge, and I feel relaxed after reading it. I like to read about new dishes. I love cooking. The second is a book on current diseases. In addition, I also want to read romantic books.

Question 2:- What book would you take on a long journey?

Answer – If I have to go on a long journey, I would like to borrow a book with a romantic story. It means I will become more eager to know more about the story, and the second choice is a book which includes the morals of family values and the relationship.

Question 3:- How easy is it for you to read books in English?

Answer – In the beginning, it was too problematic for me, but I started to read my favourite book, and I must use a dictionary when I read. Then after it became easy for me to understand the sentences and collocations. In addition, an audio-video of that book also helped me know more about the story.

Question 4:- Have you given up reading a book recently?

Answer – No, I have not been given any reading books recently because I have not attended relatives’ live functions and friend parties due to my busy work and study schedule. Moreover, after starting the IELTS exam preparation, I mostly avoided attending any functions because they utilised more than half a day.

Question 5:- What kind of people like reading, and what kind of people don’t enjoy reading very much?

Answer – I think it depends on people’s nature and their passion. People who are lazy and cannot sit at one side for more than 2 hours than that type of person do not like to read books. However, I think individuals who are always eager to enhance their knowledge from anywhere love reading more.

Question 6:- Do you like watching advertisements?

Answer –No, I often avoid seeing advertisements because nowadays, repetition is there, one advertisement shoe again and again. Still, sometimes I see new movies and series promoting ads.

Question 7:- Will you buy something because of an advertisement?

Answer –No, I have never bought anything after watching an advertisement because most of the time, it shows only the good side of the product. For example, the promotion of medicine presents only the benefits of their use but may cause severe adverse effects on the body.

Question 8:- How do you feel when you see pop-up ads on the internet?

Answer – I feel angry whenever I see a short time ad on the internet because it causes a disturbance during work or movie time. I hate pop-up ads; most of the time, I ignore these types of promotion ads and skip them.

Question 9:- Do you like funny or severe advertisements?

Answer – I mostly like funny advertisements; I collect so many advertisements for Gujarati web series and movies. Also, I save many pictures from pop-up ads about English movies, such as the ring’s power.

Question 10:- What makes a good advertisement?

Answer – I think several qualities are required to show suitable ads. Such as the excellent attitude of the person who does it, the second is an attractive look, better product content, music is also essential with a beautiful voice and so on.

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