Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Noise

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Noise. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Noise

Question 1. Do you mind noise?

Answer – Yes, I wouldn’t say I like noise, as it can completely distract me from my focus and adversely affect my thinking abilities. It starts giving me a headache at some point in time, and my irritation is visibly observed.

Question 2. What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?

I live by the side of the road where the metro station construction is going on, so there is a lot of noise. Sometimes, my family members have a habit of speaking in a higher tone which creates some disturbances for me when working from home. They do watch the T.V. at high volumes. Also, I wake up daily at 7 am because the dogs bark and make noise.

Question 3. Are there any sounds that you like?

Answer – Yes, I love the bird chirping early morning. After getting up and having coffee, I usually sit beside the window to enjoy the bird’s very refreshing sounds. Also, the soft music played in some elite restaurants uplifts the mood and makes the ambience more pleasant.

Question 4. Where can you hear loud noises?

Answer – Usually, loud noises come from public gatherings and events like music concerts, political rallies, and festivals like playing Garba during Navratri on the open ground or the bands playing during the arrival and departure of lord Ganesha’s idol during the Ganesh Utsav. There are some public gatherings where you will not hear the noise, which as someone’s funeral or going to a movie cinema where the noise is not appreciated being the exception.

Question 5. Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?

Answer – Yes, I do believe so. Modern societies have people mostly owning vehicles that they use for travelling. Due to the increased use of these private vehicles, we hear a lot of honking, which contributes to noise pollution. This alarmingly increasing noise pollution can seriously threaten public health, and the sense of hearing is affected to a greater extent.

Question 6. Are cities becoming noisier?

Answer – People migrate from different parts of the villages or small towns to the big cities for career opportunities or a better lifestyle, leading to a rapidly increasing population which would be the prime factor in noise production. All the maintenance work, transportation facilities, events and markets could cause crowd gatherings, implying that the cities are becoming noisier daily.

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