Scenery Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers

Scenery Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Scenery Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers

Question 1. Is there good scenery in your hometown, or does your hometown has a lot of scenics views?

Answer – Yeah, first of all, I’m thrilled that I got this question because my hometown Surat which is in the southern part of the Gujarat province, has many synthetic views of its countryside if I tell you my house which is on the 9th floor of the fifteen Storey building has got magnificent scenic views of mountains and we enjoy sunrise and sunset on a daily basis from the balcony of that wonderful and spacious flat

Question 2. When you travel, do you like to live in hotels with good scenic views?

Answer – Indeed I’m an admirer of good scenic views and especially if there are waterfalls I like them the most from my room so yes rather than living in the hotel with lots of amenities I would like to stay in a cottage where I can see the waterfall from my window

Question 3. Do you like to take pictures of good scenic views with your smartphone? Why?

Answer – Not really. I would differ on this because I’m one of those people who like to live 100% at the moment, yes I take few pictures to push them on Google Drive so that I can go through the memory lane down the line after 10 years, but in general, I click very fewer photos

Question 4. Is there good scenery in cities?

Answer – In my current city where I am leaving that is Ahmedabad is unfortunately      not having very much synthetic views and because it is the financial hub of Gujarat and many corporate companies and especially international information technology firms are established so eventually to tell you the truth they have ruined every scenic view of this beautiful city, so that’s unfortunate

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