Some People Prefer to Spend Their Lives Doing the Same Things and Avoiding Change

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In today’s world, change is a part of our life. While people of one group have the view that change is for one’s good, others completely refute this fact and continue doing the same thing throughout their lives. I, however, believe that change and progress continuously bring meaning to our lives and completely support this view. In this essay, I will discuss both perspectives and give my point of view.

On the one hand, a person who is enthusiastic about learning new skills, activities, sport or even language is highly successful in their future terms. In other words, one who is not afraid to change for betterment achieves their goals, lives a quality life and have the better spirit to do everything in his life. For instance, a survey in New York time suggests that employers in the top ten IT companies want an employee who is open to learning any new skill and can adapt to any country’s culture and is highly successful up the ladder in the companies. Hence, learning and changing the skills and environments could be very beneficial to an individual.

On the flip side, the person who does the same work throughout life is very scared or lazy to have a change. It makes his life boring and meaningless. Although the person could be an expert in one area, eventually, he would be replaceable over time if he did not update himself. For example, according to The Tribune’s survey, in India, multinational companies have limited hiring of an expert. Rather, they prefer a multi-skilled person who updates him over time. Thus, the person doing the same job could be easily replaceable, and his ability to do more or learn new things reduces as time passes.

To recapitulate, both types of personalities have advantages as well as shortcomings. Overall, I prefer to get adapted to my surroundings and add a lot many elements to my daily life because it is necessary to change the ambience as well as gain new skills in order to catch up with a modern pace of life.

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