Some People Say That Music Is a Good Way Bringing People

Some people say that music is a good way to bringing people of different cultures and ages Together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Some people believe that music has no boundaries, and this is also a way to connect more people, put beside their culture and ages. I strongly agree with the given notion my inclination will be justified in the following paragraphs, along with a logical conclusion.

Music had a myriad of forms; although people can understand it, it is away from ages and language. For instance, when the national anthem is played, child, adults, and elders tune to the same emotion, which is patriotism, and their unity is stronger than ever. Moreover, for music not required to have erudition of culture, music has its own language. Live consort plays a significant role in bringing more people to connect with music; It started in the 18th century, and generation by generation, more and more people joined around the globe.

Music also has the ability to connect people from different generations, regardless of age, we can all enjoy a memorable melody, a strong rhythm or a beautiful singing voice, and the best songs are better. This would explain why televised music competitions, such as Indian ideal, the voice of India and many more popular prime-time shows. These programmes attract incredibly broad audiences because singing and popular songs appeal to children, parents and grandparents; additionally, music can hear all generation in the same room.

To end with, some people feel that for different cultures people and different age people, music is better way to join them and I agree with it; people can understand music language and it also for own community.

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