Some People Say that Playing Computer Games Are Bad for Children

Some people say that playing computer games are bad for children, whereas others say that it has positive effects on the way children develop. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

The computer game industry is a part of our world today. From its humble beginnings in the 80s, The computer game industry is a part of our world today. From its humble beginnings in the 80s, the video game industry has exploded into a 10-billion dollar empire. It is a debatable issue whether these games are good or bad. In this essay, I intend to delve into the pros and cons of these games. I personally believe that these games are good, but only if played in moderation.

There are many advantages of playing computer games. To begin with, video games introduce children to computer technology. Secondly, some games provide practice in problem solving and logic, e.g. Age of Empires. Video games have proved to improve visual skills. They also improve motor and spatial skills. Children who play video games have better reflexes.

What is more, these modern games make learning fun. The cost of failure is lower. This encourages risk taking and exploration. If the child gets the answer wrong or their character dies, he just starts the game over and tries again. Finally, some games have therapeutic applications.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of these technological inventions. Firstly, overdependence on these games leads to social isolation, as these are usually played alone. Secondly, some games have violent characters, and seeing their violent acts leads to aggressive behaviour in children. Moreover, these games can confuse reality and fantasy. For example, when children play car-racing games then they may race their own vehicles in real life, which can lead to accidents. Finally, these games are addicting and once a child sits to play these games, time flies and everything else, such as studies and outdoor games are forgotten, which is indubitably bad.

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To summarise, on the whole these games are very good and certainly their advantages outweigh their disadvantages, but these should be played in balance. Parents should limit the game playing time and see to it that home-work and other important chores are done before playing.

2 thoughts on “Some People Say that Playing Computer Games Are Bad for Children”

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